Moving the Stone


Recently I stumbled upon some absolute gold written by a hero in the faith called D.L. Moody. He was one of the greatest evangelists of the nineteenth century, and in his lifetime Moody preached to over 100 million people.

When it comes to the topic of mission, he is a good voice to listen to and here is what I read:

“In the gospel of John, we read that at the tomb of Lazarus, our Lord said to His disciples, ‘take ye away the stone’ (John 11:39). Before the act of raising Lazarus could be performed the disciples had their part to do. Christ could have removed the stone with a word and easily commanded it to roll away. It would have obeyed His voice, like the dead Lazarus did when He called him back to life. But the Lord wants His children to learn this lesson: They have something to do towards raising the spiritually dead. The disciples not only had to take away the stone, but after Christ raised Lazarus they were told to also “loose him and let him go” (John 11:44).”

I want to use the language of Jesus and Moody to stir our imagination and consider what could be, firstly in removing the stones and secondly in removing the grave clothes. The main point Moody is making is that we have a part to play in the mission of God. Think of your own story of salvation: ultimately it was all a work of Jesus, but we will also recognise people that were part of our journey, whom Jesus used to remove stones and grave clothes.

If we take seriously our call to mission then we will quickly recognise that our apathy or fear etc are not the only obstacles to making disciples. There are stones in the lives of those around us that Jesus may be calling us to move. 

For most people, their story of salvation is a journey of being drawn closer and closer to Christ. At different stages there are different stones that need to be removed. So, a question we should be asking about those we know and love around us are “what types of stones are there and how could we attempt to move them?”

To help consider this, I want to use a framework of 5 key heart positions of those we are sharing Jesus with. I recognise that not everyone will fall into these categories and nor is it as easy to say everyone starts at 1 and ends at 5. But I do believe this could a be useful tool for us in living out our call as a missional people. 

1. Disengaged

Someone who is completely switched off, not just from the gospel but also from us. This may be a neighbour who never stops to talk, a colleague that keeps their distance, or a friend who is hostile towards Christianity.

What Stones could there be? 

  • Rejection: the pain of experiencing either people or religion rejecting them, has led to a frostiness in how they interact with others and with faith. 

  • Busyness. They are living such a frantic pace of life, due to work, family, hobbies etc that they have little time for you or Jesus.

How could we remove the stones?

  • One way the Lord can use us to remove these stones is through a Smile. Remember our ‘Invited Culture.’ (
    The Lord can use your smile to bring peace into the lives of those around us. Something as simple as a smile can have a profound impact. Who has the Lord brought into your life that needs your smile today?

  • Another way we can be used to remove stones is by creating space and time to Serve. In an age of “dog eat dog”, serving can cut through the pain of rejection or the distraction of busyness and points people to our God who serves and the scandal of the gospel. Who and how could you serve those God has placed in your path this week?

2. Friendly

Someone who you have found a connection with, you are beginning to build a rapport with and who is not immediately dismissive towards the gospel but not hugely responsive to it either. That may be another parent at the school gate, your hairdresser, colleague etc. 

What stones could there be? 

  • Comfort. For many, life is: comfortable, happy, enough money in the bank, family and friends and they do not want to rock the boat. Exploring the claims of Christ may affect that which they have.

  • Detachment. Most of us in East Kent live pretty sheltered lives which means we can become detached from the pains of life and the reality of death. The need for Jesus to rescue us does not resonate. 

How could we remove the stones? 

  • One way the Lord can use us to remove these stones is by creating opportunities to Socialise. In the gospels, Jesus is often on his way to, at, or has just left a meal. Socialising can move stones, as people see the believer’s life and the impact that Jesus has, from peace in hard times to generosity and hospitality in our heart. Who could you socialise with and how could you show them the impact Jesus has had on your life?

  • Another way is by inviting friends to Stepping Stone opportunities. Jesus has called us to mission together and helping those who do not know the Lord encounter His Church is key to helping remove these stones. Meeting God’s people, seeing the vibrancy of church life and developing wider relationships can stir growing interest in the things of God. What stepping stone event could you invite someone to? 

3. Interested

Someone who has moved from just being friendly and is starting to show a genuine interest in Christ and the Church. They are asking questions about the things of faith, asking about your own personal relationship with Jesus, coming to you for help. This may be that friend who you stay up talking about faith late into the night with, the colleague who shows an interest in church, your neighbour who always has questions etc. 

What stones could there be?

  • Fear. As you begin to genuinely explore the claims of Jesus and consider the implications, it can cause people to worry. They may worry about the impact it will have on their way of life, but also whether it can really be true. Would God really accept me? Would the church welcome me in? 

  • Intellect. I’m not saying that to follow Christ you have to throw out your intellect, but that often as people begin to explore the claims of Jesus they will begin to hit some obstacles when it comes to questions of science vs religion, suffering, hell etc.

What could we do to remove the stones?

  • One way we can help move these stones is by Sharing your story. Many of the fears and questions people have are valid and genuine, and we will not have the answers to them all. However, we do have our story, of the hope and difference Jesus can make in our lives. 

  • Another way we can help move the stone is by praying for the Sick. Moving Christianity away from just head knowledge and to a place of encounter is important. Whether it's offering to pray for those who are physically unwell or facing difficult times in life, prayer is an opportunity to invite people to encounter Jesus. Who could you pray for this week? 

4. Engaged

Someone who is now engaged in exploring the claims of Jesus, they have moved from sporadic questions and now are genuinely seeking. They have begun to engage with aspects of Christianity like reading the bible, praying, Sunday services etc.

What stones could there be?

  • Relationships. As people engage with the call that Jesus gives to his followers the cost of following Christ becomes a reality. It will result in changes to relationships and maybe even the ending of some and to changes in many areas of life. The cost of following Jesus is real and will need to be counted.

  • Doubt. The gospel of Jesus Christ really is good news: forgiveness from your sins, acceptance by a holy, perfect God and a purpose not just in this life but for eternity. As you dig deeper into the message of Christ it can seem too good to be true. 

How can we move the stones?

  • We can help move these stones by Sharing His Story. The Gospel really is the best news for everyone and when it comes to moving the stones of relational cost and doubts, taking people to God’s word is key. Let the Bible do the talking, help them see how Jesus is worth the cost and that this message of Hope really is true. Who could you share God’s story with this week?

  •  Another way we can help move the stones is by inviting them to our Sunday service. This a place where they will see the gospel on show, the passion of God’s people as they praise him, sit under the teaching of scripture and experience the reality of Jesus through his people gathered. Who could you invite to a Sunday service?  

5. Committed 

Someone who has crossed the line of faith, they have made a commitment to Christ and are now a disciple of Jesus. They have made a commitment on alpha, over a coffee, on a Sunday etc. 

What stone could there be? 

  • Encountering the saving work of Jesus and placing your trust in Him as Lord and Saviour doesn’t result in us becoming perfect. There will still be stones that need to be moved, one of which will be the stone of Sin. Whether that be sin of the heart, where we allow ourselves to love something more that we love Jesus, or sin of the hands as we live in ways that do not bring honour and glory to Christ.

  • Alongside sin, we will also need to continually have stones of Wrong thinking removed. Following Jesus is a lifelong calling and a life of learning and unlearning. There will be countless things that we need to overcome, such as a wrong view of God, ourselves and others. Our upbringing, passions, experience, relationships and much more will have shaped us in an unhelpful way that needs to worked through. 

What could we do to remove the stones? 

  • Disciple. Mission is not about making converts but making disciples. Our calling is to see people saved and added to the local Church. Our responsibility as disciples is not just to get people to say a prayer or cross the line of faith but to then help them grow into maturity. 

    This is where removing the grave clothes comes into play, Jesus did the miracle, he brought Lazarus from death to life, but the disciples needed to take the stinky old grave clothes off. 

    That is discipleship and the rest of our time on earth will be this experience. Helping others remove their grave clothes and being helped ourselves to the do the same. Removing labels that have been put on us from our old lives, removing wrong ways of thinking that we have carried for years, removing sinful actions and attitudes.