Scripture and the Disciple


The Bible is a central part of the disciple’s life. Here’s 1 Timothy 3:16-17:

Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us. (The Message)

Do you find the Bible intimidating? Not too surprising - it’s pretty big and is often pretty confusing. Maybe you feel overfamiliar with the Bible? That’s not too surprising either, especially if you’ve heard many preaches and read it once or twice.

Here are a few helpful tips for enjoying reading God’s word. The points spell out SCRIPTURE, in an attempt to help memorise them…

Spirit-led – The Holy Spirit loves bringing God’s word to life. He makes the Bible living and active. Before considering what you think about your Bible reading, turn to God the Holy Spirit and ask him what he wants to say to you. Submit to his leading and prompting.

Christ-centred ­– From beginning to end, the Bible is an epic story about Jesus. Read everything through this lens. The New Testament is explicitly about Jesus, but the Old Testament points to him too – prophets that predict him, patterns that preview him and promises that anticipate him. New to the Bible? You can start with the New Testament before reading the Old, that’s fine!

Regular routines – Start with planning a daily time for reading. Decide when in the day is best – mornings are obviously excellent, but it might work better during your lunchtime, or in your evenings. Be flexible in different seasons of life, but fight for being in God’s Word every day.

Internalise. Externalise. – Or, put more poetically, breathe in and breathe out God’s word. Internalise it - regularly think about what you’ve read as you go about your day. Externalise it too – say a verse out loud. It affects us when we do. Maybe read out loud during your daily reading; it might seem silly but there’s something in it, I promise!

Pray pray pray – Pray before reading, thanking God for the gift of his word in your hands. Pray during, seeking his guidance as you read. Pray afterwards, asking for him to sow the word deep in your heart so it changes and transforms you.

Take your time – Slow. Down. Take a couple of deep breaths before you begin. How much better it is to read a little, actually taking in the words, rather than read a lot and immediately forget. It may take longer to read a book or to make your way through the whole thing, but it will be worth it.

Use your brain –There’s much to learn. Engage with questions that cross your mind and parts you find confusing. Buy books, download apps and search online for study guides and Bible commentaries. To be a disciple is to be a theologian.

Respond creatively –Write out your thoughts in a journal. Listen to worship songs that link with what you are reading. Go for a walk meditating on specific verses. Discuss your daily reading with friends and family. Apply Bible teachings to films you watch, or even to that household chore you dislike.

Enjoy it!­ – Jeremiah 15:16 reads, “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart”. Let God’s word put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. What he has to say is good news!