Resilient Faith: Lessons from Joshua's Journey


To follow Christ is a beautifully simple call - to love God and love others. However, the gospel's simplicity can be misunderstood, leading many to believe that following Jesus is an easy path. The pervasive influence of the prosperity gospel has subtly infiltrated the Western Church, creating false expectations about a life of continuous success, provision, and comfort.

The Pitfalls of Misguided Beliefs

This misconception results in a fragile faith shaped by circumstances rather than God's word. When hardships strike, followers may despair, leading to doubts, deconstruction, and, tragically, unbelief. Across Christendom, many who once claimed to love Christ now want nothing to do with Him, having placed their faith in success, leaders, health, or relationships instead of Jesus.

The Call to Resilient Faith

Our desire at The City Church is to tell a different story, one of resilience in faith, standing firm through life's challenges. We aim to be a flock that remains steadfast in the hope found in Christ, regardless of circumstances. This sermon series seeks to equip the Church with a resilient faith, enabling us to navigate doubts, endure suffering, and find hope in hurts.

Building Resilience through the Book of Joshua

Why Joshua? The book provides a profound example of resilient faith. Facing leadership amidst grief, battles, victories, and losses, Joshua and his people hold fast to the Lord's promises. Even in failure and sin, God's kindness leads them, embodying resilient faith.

God's Charge to Joshua

Joshua 1:9 encapsulates the heart of resilient faith: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua's leadership during personal loss and the people's courage to face uncharted territories exemplify resilient faith.

Exploring Resilient Faith in the Book of Joshua

Throughout this series, we will delve into the first 10 chapters of Joshua, identifying key characteristics of resilient faith and discovering how we can apply them to our lives. By understanding and embracing the call to sacrifice and deny ourselves for Christ, we aim to strengthen the Church, fostering confidence in doubts, endurance in suffering, and hope in hurts.

As we embark on this journey through the book of Joshua, may our faith become resilient, pointing to the trustworthy and faithful nature of God in every season. Let this series lead us to a fresh season of confidence, endurance, and hope, knowing that Jesus does not promise to save us from trouble but assures us that He will be with us in itβ€”our sympathetic, caring, leading, loving, serving, and strengthening Saviour.

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