Discipleship: Being accountable and getting practical


Today, we're diving into the transformative topic of discipleship and accountable relationships. As believers, we know that our journey with Christ is not meant to be a solo endeavour. Just as the early Christians in the book of Acts supported and nurtured each other's faith, we too can benefit greatly from these types of relationships. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of discipleship, how it can help us grow, and practical steps to initiate accountable relationships.

1. The Heart of Discipleship: Seeking Growth in Christ

Before we delve into the specifics of accountable relationships, let's establish the heart of discipleship. At its core, discipleship is about seeking growth in Christ. Just like Apollos in Acts, we all have room for improvement in our faith journey. Whether it's deepening our understanding of God's Word, refining our character, or enhancing our walk with Christ, discipleship plays a pivotal role in our spiritual development.

2. Everyone Needs Discipleship

Apollos, a knowledgeable and eloquent teacher, still required discipleship. This serves as a reminder that regardless of our experience or expertise in the faith, we all need guidance, correction, and encouragement. None of us are immune to the challenges and blind spots that come with life, and God designed us to support one another in this journey.

3. It's Personal: Building Relationships That Matter

Discipleship is deeply personal. Just as Priscilla and Aquila privately mentored Apollos, these relationships should be nurtured individually. It's not about a one-size-fits-all approach but rather about tailoring the discipleship experience to the unique needs and challenges of each person involved.

4. The Role of Challenging and Encouraging

Challenging and encouraging are two sides of the same coin in discipleship. It's vital to challenge each other's character and practices, identifying areas that need improvement while offering loving correction. Simultaneously, we must encourage one another, supporting the God-given strengths, gifts, and callings within us. Love, in its truest form, involves both these aspects.

5. How to Initiate Accountable Relationships

Now that we've explored the essence of discipleship, let's discuss practical steps to initiate accountable relationships in your life:

a. Identify Your Growth Areas:

Reflect on your spiritual journey and identify specific areas where you want to grow. These could include deepening your understanding of Scripture, improving your prayer life, or addressing character flaws.

b. Seek Out Inspiring Individuals:

Look for people in your church or community who inspire you in those areas. Who demonstrates a strong prayer life? Who has a deep understanding of the Bible? Who exhibits Christ-like character? These individuals can be potential mentors or accountability partners.

c. Approach with Humility:

When seeking a mentor or accountability partner, approach them with humility. Express your desire to grow in your faith and ask if they'd be willing to journey with you. Remember, it's perfectly fine for them to decline, and it's not a reflection of your worthiness.

d. Build a Discipleship Plan:

Once you've established a discipleship relationship, create a plan. This might include regular meetings to study the Bible together, discuss personal growth, and pray for each other's spiritual development.

e. Be Committed to Growth:

Both parties in the relationship should be committed to personal growth and helping each other reach their spiritual goals. This commitment fosters an environment where challenges are met with love, and encouragement leads to fruitful growth.


In conclusion, discipleship is a powerful means of growing in our faith and becoming more Christ-like. It's a personal journey that requires humility, commitment, and a heart open to both challenge and encouragement. By seeking out accountable relationships, we can become better equipped to face life's challenges and reflect Christ's love to the world.

So, whether you're considering seeking a mentor or offering guidance to someone else, remember that discipleship is a transformative journey that draws us closer to Christ and enables us to impact our world for His glory.


This blog post is based off of a sermon called ‘Discipleship’ from our FUEL series, listen here.

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