
Anyone is welcome to join us at our Sunday morning service. Whether you’re a Christian or just looking into Christianity, we would love to have you join us. Our desire is that everyone, whatever their life story, feels welcome to enjoy our Sunday morning services.


Where and when

📅 Every Sunday at 10:30am - midday

📍 The Canterbury Academy, Knight Ave, Canterbury CT2 8QA

🚗 Plenty of free parking

☕️ Refreshments available from 10:15am

🔴 Our services are live-streamed each Sunday

What is the service like?

We meet together, sing, pray and listen to engaging teaching from the Bible. There’s no dress code, and children are very welcome!

Is there provision for under 18s?

We are thankful to have people of all ages in our church family. We provide separate groups for under 18s in pre-school, primary school and secondary school.

  • Our crèche provision is for babies aged from 6 months to 2 years. Crèche begins after our time of singing songs of worship, and runs until the end of the service at 1200. The babies have a great space to enjoy free play, sing songs and be read to.

  • We have five City Kids age groups:
    Explorers (Preschool)
    Discoverers (Reception)
    Pioneers (Years 1 and 2)
    Adventurers (Years 3 and 4)
    Trailblazers (Years 5 and 6).

    The kids are out for the whole service, and can be registered from 10:15.

    Throughout the year we have All In services where there is no City Kids groups as all ages are in the service together.

    For more information about City Kids, click here

  • Our ‘City Youth’ group is for those in secondary school. After spending the first part of their morning worshipping with the church family they go into their group, where they have engaging talks from the Bible and discuss how to apply the truths of the Bible to their lives.

    Find out more here


Live Stream

We live stream our Sunday morning services, so if you’d like to check us out then tune in!

We stream live on YouTube at 10:30am every Sunday.

Please note that the stream is only available to watch while the service is happening.

Watch on YouTube


Latest Sunday Sermon


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