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Growing more like Jesus

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We would all like to pray more.

We know that the peace and direction that comes when we seek the Lord and hear from Him is precious and life-giving. We long for our children to grow in their own relationship with God by talking to him, but we are aware that they struggle with this as much as we do. We long to pray more as families but don’t always know where to start and how to keep everyone engaged.

The heart behind the resources for this week is that they inspire and equip us all. There are many resources here to enable us to try new things or to remind us of ways we used to know; innovative and interesting activities to help us to connect with our loving Father who wants to hear our prayers and speak to us.

Have a rootle around, follow the links and see what you think might work in your family with your children. May God bless you as you give something a go.

Julianne - City Kids


Getting started


Prayer Jar

If your children find it hard to think of who or what to pray for then create a prayer jar together so they can select a stick at random during prayer time.

Prayer Walk

This scavenger-hunt from is a nice way to start weaving prayer into every-day activities. You could print this one out or come up with your own ideas together.

Prayer Journal

Compassion has a great introduction to prayer journalling on their website which includes some lovely printouts to get you started.


Prayer Chain

A simple way to include everyone is to use a prayer chain.

One person starts and when he or she is finished they say another person’s name. Then that person goes. Keep going until everyone has prayed. This is a lovely way to include guests too.

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Jesus taught his friends how to pray using the Lord’s Prayer - here’s a reading of it from the Jesus Storybook Bible.

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Further Resources

We hope these links will provide you with the ideas, understanding and passion for building more prayer into your rhythms of life. You may want to set aside some time to come back to this page to delve into the resources and make a plan for incorporating more prayer into your family life.


A City Church podcast to help you further your own understanding of prayer.

An animated introduction to prayer.

Ideas for family prayer.

An article about developing a culture of prayer in your home, with practical ideas.

A video with biblical examples of prayer

10 simple prayers.

An app with prompts for different types of prayers.

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